Seven Ways to Cure Your Children’s Winter Weather Blues – Parenting Prattle

Keeping your kids entertained often takes more work in the winter than in the warmer months, as the snowy and rainy weather can leave your children bouncing off the walls with their boredom and excess energy. Here are seven great ideas you can do with your children to keep them happy and entertained during these … Read more

5 ways to keep the kids entertained this Christmas – Parenting Prattle

Christmas is a time for family which means that you will want to spend as much time with them as possible. Keeping the kids entertained is not always an easy task so you will need to find fun and exciting activities to do. We’ve put together a list of our top 5 tips to keep … Read more

The Importance of Keeping Prescription Drugs Out of Kids’ Reach – Parenting Prattle

When you think of accidental ingestion of poisons among children, you likely think of them getting into cleaning products, bleach and insect killers under the sink. While this can and does happen, prescription drug ingestion is also highly likely to occur among children. Think about it: the pills look like candy, the bottles are often … Read more