Being a parent is hard work and even when you think you have done enough research, reading and learning there is always more worthy of your attention. That is why it is important and very helpful as a parent to have several different sources you know you can refer to when you need to. Therefore, for the following page we felt it was a good idea to share with you some of our favourite blogs, along with Parenting Prattle of course and why we love them.
For a very comprehensive list of the most influential blogs concerning parenting check out The following blogs are the ones that we felt were so good they should be highlighted, but every other blog on that list deserves to read.
OneDad3Girls is a blog that we are sure every single parent out there will fall in love with. It was started by Darren (the dad of the blog name) and is all about the life and experiences he has with his growing family. It is a standout blog because the majority of parenting blogs out there are from the mum’s point of view, not that there’s anything wrong with that, but OneDad3Girls is from the dad’s point of view. It makes for a refreshing change and it is also undeniably sweet that he refers to both his daughters and wife as “his 3 girls”
Mummy Daddy Me
Don’t be put off by the polished and very slick appearance of Mummy Daddy me, because it is an engaging and warm gem of a parenting blog with lots of character and wit. It was setup and established by Katie and Mr E, the mummy and daddy of the small family that the blog focuses on. They decided to create a blog after the birth of their first child so that they had somewhere they could write, collect and share the memories of the adventures they have as a family. Originally it was based on them being a family of three, until baby number 2 came along. As with most parenting blogs written by parents about their own lives, the real stars of the show are the children. Though special mention should be given to Katie who is something of a photography superstar who takes some of the best pictures we have ever seen.
Mummy Mishaps
If you hate reading blogs, articles and columns by seemingly perfect mums who only ever do things the right way without any problems and are looking for something a bit more down to earth and reassuring, then Mummy Mishaps may be right up your street. It is run by Jenny, a mother of 2 delightful children who has a wonderful sense of humour. Essentially it is all about her life and while she does post about the times when things go right, she also posts about the times when things go very wrong; giving it a the blog a more realistic view of parenting.
Rainy Day Mum
Rainy Day Mum is all about inspiring family fun and tasty recipes, as well as providing helpful parenting advice. It was established by a mother who wanted to create a place where parents could come and find ideas for fun activities and delicious meals that would make those rainy days easier to pass. The blog focuses on three main things; play, learning and food. If you are ever running low on inspiration or need an idea to keep the kid’s entertained then Rainy Day Mum should be your go-to resource.
Mum in the Madhouse
Mum in the Madhouse is run by Jen, a mother who enjoys sharing her experiences and ideas on parenting. The blog focuses on anything related to parenting, such as health and well-being, learning through play, homeschooling, money-saving tips, and reviews. Jenny also shares her recipes for delicious meals that are both healthy and easy to make. There’s something for everyone here so no matter what you are looking for you will find it at Mum in the Madhouse.
These amazing parenting blogs should give you plenty of inspiration when it comes to reading up about all things parenting-related. We hope this list gives you some ideas for your blog or website! Be sure to follow the amazing bloggers listed to stay up-to-date with their posts and advice. Happy reading from the team at Parenting Prattle!